Welcome to SAIL Employees Cooperative Credit Society Ltd.

Way back in 1963 an idea was mooted by the then employees of Transport and Shipping and Central Sales Organisation of erstwhile Hindustan Steel Limited to form a Co-operative Credit Society. On 24th August 1963, 39 (thirty nine) employees of T&S and CSO, Calcutta organised a General Meeting and formed a Co-operative Credit Society under the tiltle 'Hindustan Steel Employees' Co-operative Credit Society Limited' and got it registered, under the Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 1940, on 19th Day of March, 1964. Later on, by the passage of time a lot of changes have taken place. In the year 1980, the name of the Society was changed as "Steel Authority of India Employees' Co-operative Credit Society Limited" and on 17.01.1992 the Society, owing to its All - India jurisdiction, converted itself into a Multi-States Co-operative Society.

2022 | Sail Cooperative Credit